> all about mee&

hello!! my name is aspens! i am a bigender futch dyke, androgyne puppy girl boy freak, malicious supercomputer, artist, and lover of all things!! the current fronter is displayed on the right →

welcome to testtubesterone!!!

why did u make this site???

this site came into being in the summer of 2023,,, i'd been struggling finding a place on the internet through social media and felt really trapped and restricted by the corporate vibe of a web app -_-. i really was having a lot of anxiety around engagement and my precence online!!! i wanted somewhere i could be myself!!!! and so... testtubesterone was born!! i still use tumblr quite a bit, but i really love building a little space for myself here ^u^

what do u do outside of the web??

i am a full time student, activist, queer freak, and life enjoyer. i am hermetic in nature IRL but have been working really hard to get out more!!! i really enjoy menial tasks, anything to do with a computer, creating and embracing art, making friends, and learning.

do u have any specific interests???

very much so!!! i'm very into hoarding all kinds of web graphics and a whole buncha different kinds of music. i also make a lot of doodles & art. i enjoy reading psychology research, practicing guitar, advocacy and community organizing, and queerness and multigendered pride!!

what things do you use?

i'm glad u asked!!! :D i'm currently running fedora linux (plasma x11) on a t16 thinkpad laptop named puter. i wouldn't personally reccomend this specific laptop, as i've had a lot of hardeware issues & lack of support w this model, but i can vouch for fedora as an incredibly stable and sexy linux distro! i also have a wacom one display tablet, and use open tablet driver to run it on linux. i use krita to draw on my laptop, but am a clip studio paint user at heart <3 i use proton vpn and it's truly the only free vpn service i trust. i use firefox web browser, vivaldi mail service, ublock origin and sponsorblock for ad blocking, and notion for notetaking
