welcome to DYKENET. a webring for dykes on the net!

this webring centers on independent websites created by dykes of all kinds!

this webring is inspired by lesbiering by neocities user fandango, along with other, earlier queer and lesbian webrings

what are the rules?

  1. no hate speech or exclusionary content, we firmly believe in self-determination and the right for anyone to do whatever they want forever.
  2. you must have a personal website. we will not accept links to social media or other online spaces where you cannot add custom html (for the DYKENET widget). we pefer that your website is not just a landing page linking to other social medias, and genuinely a cultivated space unique from others you may use online, but this is not a strict rule!
  3. you must be a dyke, whatever that means to you. membership does not require that we verify your identity to our standards; all dykes are welcome, no exceptions!!

how do i join?

to join, fill out the application below, and click send!

buttons will be added with the link you provide, if you do not want your button to be hotlinked, please provide an alternative link. i personally reccomend catbox for this!!

after that, add this code to your website where you would like the PluRing widget to be displayed:

now, you should be all set! it will take a bit for us to add you to the webring, so please be patient! if it's been awhile (more than a month), feel free to send in another one. if you require something be edited, just submit another application and we will get to it! you can also email us

your site will be removed if the DYKENET widget is not visible & accessible on your site!


button webmaster(s) desc
testtubesterone's site button testtubesterone Aspens plural bigender boydyke dogfreak
DYKENET placeholder button
yuu N/A
DYKENET placeholder button clown lesbian RONAN ADAMS I post my art and knitting/crochet.
idolum's site button idolum ren be gay, make crap. I post art and stuff I write. Planning on posting yuri recs too!
Leilukin's Hub's site button Leilukin's Hub Leilukin Personal website of an Asian autistic non-binary lesbian dedicated to queerness and various interests.
mintchipdotcom's site button mintchipdotcom Emilie/Em Mintchipdotcom is a cozy 90s style site with shrines, games, and a graphics collection.
chimerathing's site button chimerathing Gabriel N/A
DYKENET placeholder button Flower Garden Cafe Eiris a little comfy personal site to show off my favorite things and my own creations
DISC TWO's site button DISC TWO lele Personal. Writing about videogames, movies, art in general and life.
DYKENET placeholder button TNT's den TheHolyTachanka Personal blog
Cosmic Warp's site button Cosmic Warp N/A Personal website for our very chaotic, very queer plural system!
LOBOLAB's site button LOBOLAB Lobo Laboratory of dyke artist LOBOTRON
francibarci's site button francibarci Fran blog where I talk about media I like (comics, videogames, anime)
Sonnenlicht's Journal's site button Sonnenlicht's Journal Imke/Sonnenlicht Personal site of random evil ramblings and projects
elu's blog's site button elu's blog elu I post digital art, book reviews, and blog about my dog and other topics (queerness, socioeconomics, mushrooms)
Wriorango's site button Wriorango Rango An awesome personal site for me to be silly and whimsical.
Smoko's Webzone's site button Smoko's Webzone Elly Just a genderqueer dyke's work-in-progress personal site for writing, art, reference materials, graphics, and anything else I find interesting.
angelmori's site button angelmori mori personal mesh of essays, shrines, and media!
Laith Rai7an's site button Laith Rai7an Cyanide Personal art blog centered around Mob Psycho 100 :-)